My Services


I help C-Suite, Senior Level and Global impact leaders, earning 6- and 7-figure salaries, who find themselves unfulfilled by their professional or life path and want to achieve breakthrough success, by helping them navigate their next career move, develop strategic mindsets, create action plans and make smart professional decisions to reach career objectives that enhance their achievements and lead to an enduring legacy.


I offer strategic change workshops for small groups of leaders from various industries who want more clarity around what it takes to lead a fulfilling life, develop high performing teams and leave an enduring leadership legacy. I offer five main types of workshops:

Who do I coach?

I have a real hunger for transformational change, whether it’s at an individual level or an organizational level or a community level. I’ve worked in all of those spaces

More specifically, I work with women who are:

●     Senior Executives

●     Emerging leaders

●     Experiencing bigger transitions in their personal or professional lives

●     Committed to doing the work that is needed and required

●     Experiencing burnout

●     Interested in looking at their lives holistically

My Coaching Approach

  • I expect your best

    If you are hiring me, then you are ready to give your all. If you are facing challenges, I will uncover roadblocks and help you move past them, back on the path to success.

  • I make direct requests

    From time to time, I’ll make a direct request, like “Will you accomplish X by the end of the month?” You may accept the request, counter-offer (say what you can do) or decline (rare). Your choice is the right one for you at the time.

  • I speak the truth

    Honesty is one of my values--I am straight and expect the same from you. I may make specific suggestions on how to handle a problem or go for an opportunity. The ultimate decision is always yours to make.

  • I am observant

    When I hear a funny tone in your voice, or notice something amiss, I’ll ask you about it. Often, it is these small moments that offer the chance to resolve something. However, I don’t confront or push; I’ll merely invite you to be aware.

  • I give homework

    I usually ask clients to come up with two or three goals, actions, or breakthroughs to have between one call and the next. If it is too much, say so. If you want more, just ask.

  • I am your champion

    I want to hear it all. If you have a personal problem, are upset with something (even the coaching process or me), are just starting to realize something big, or want to share a breakthrough, call or e-mail me. I will be in touch as soon as I can be because I am committed to you.

  • I understand you

    I have held leadership roles throughout my career and can relate to how busy and overwhelming that can feel. I know what it takes to make it as a woman executive. Burnout is nothing new to me. My value is in my unique perspective I have gained from experiences in the global business world, corporate America, consulting, for profit and nonprofit organizations, and advocacy work towards women’s rights. No matter where you’re coming from, I will listen to understand and support.

What’s next?

I can help you in four easy steps:

  1. Schedule a no-strings consultation 

  2. Together, we'll create a transformation roadmap

  3. Start working to achieve your goals

  4. Celebrate, share, and build on successes